Student Affairs

Student Groups

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newbb电子的学生团体旨在为学生提供培养领导能力和人际交往能力的机会, while contributing to the Manhattan School of Music community.

Each student group works with the Student Engagement Office, and is organized by students with common interests. 学生被邀请在每个学年开始时向办公室发起并注册他们的小组. 团体是开放给全日制newbb电子的学生在良好的信誉.

Current Student Organizations at Manhattan School of Music:



学校保留对学校个人和团体行为标准所禁止的学生团体采取行动的权利. 学生参加注册学生组织的有组织活动,有不当行为的, whether committed on or off campus, are subject to disciplinary action. 有组织的活动是在赞助下进行的任何活动, sponsorship, or supervision of a registered student organization.

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