
MSM Student 关注的焦点: Meet freshman classical guitarist Carlen龚

Carlen龚 (BM ’27) is a freshman guitar major at MSM — he talks to us about his experience as an international student, how his freshman year is going, 和 why he chose to attend MSM.


Carlen 锣是 a classical guitarist from Melbourne, 澳大利亚, 和 he began his study of classical guitar at age nine in Qingdao, 中国. 14岁时, Carlen 被录取 Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School, a specialized music school in 澳大利亚 from which he graduated in 2022. He has performed as a soloist at esteemed venues in 澳大利亚; highlights include the Melbourne Recital Centre, Melbourne Convention 和 Exhibition Centre,和 全体剧院. He was also the recipient of the Melbourne Music Performance ScholarshipIvy May Pendlebury Scholarship in 2023.  Carlen is currently pursuing a bachelor of music degree under the guidance of 二甲基砜吉他 department chair 马克Delpriora.

What has your transition to living in New York City been like?

Carlen: Transitioning from Melbourne, 澳大利亚, to New York has been a significant change but one that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. The bustling atmosphere of the Big Apple 和 its dynamic environment really excites me. Compared to 澳大利亚, everything moves at a faster pace here, emphasizing the importance of productivity. There’s always something happening, keeping you engaged 和 active.

Fortunately, I’ve found support in the form of fellow talented musicians at MSM. They not only share my passion for music but also offer camaraderie as we navigate this new cultural change together. This sense of community has eased the transition, making me very comfortable adapting to life in New York.

How has your freshman year been so far?

Carlen: Freshman year has been an incredible experience. It’s been everything I anticipated 和 more. The faculty here has been exceptional. They are always there to offer additional support whenever it’s needed, going above 和 beyond to help each student achieve their full potential. What’s truly remarkable is their genuine concern for our overall well-being, not just academically but also in our day-to-day lives.

Carlen龚 在舞台上表演的感觉

Carlen龚 (middle right) next to 马克Delpriora (far right), Chair of MSM's 吉他 department

What’s your advice for incoming guitar students?

Carlen: Make the most out of MSM. 努力超越, eagerly seek feedback from your instrumental teachers, 和 remain open to giving 和 receiving constructive feedback from peers. Collaborate with friends, play together as much as you desire, 和 take the opportunity to enjoy making music with other talented musicians.

Why did you choose MSM?

Carlen: I always knew MSM’s guitar faculty has some of the world’s foremost master teachers. Also the teacher-to-student ratio in the guitar department means each student receives undivided attention to their professional development. The sense of community created by the staff 和 student leaders at MSM is also a key element to my decision; I noticed this prior to my auditions, when checking out the various student life posts on MSM’s social media pages.

“Freshman year has been an incredible experience. It’s been everything I anticipated 和 more.”

What are you currently listening to?

Carlen: Recently, I’ve been listening a lot to John Williams’ recording of Rodrigo’s Fantasía para un Gentilhombre. During my spare time, I never get sick of putting some Frank Ocean or Tyler in the background. Jay Chou is also a must-have in my playlist.



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