
男男同性恋者关注的焦点: Meet MSM senior jazz trumpet major Kellin Hanas!

Senior jazz trumpet major Kellin Hanas (BM ’24) shares highlights of her time at MSM, 她毕业后的计划, 和 tells us about the MSM 爵士乐 Orchestra concert Celebrating the Composers of Now 定于4月6日举行.


欢呼雀跃 International Trumpet Guild Journal as “one of the best up 和 coming jazz musicians on the globe”, 22岁的小号手, 作曲家, 和 comedian Kellin Hanas of Wheaton, 伊利诺斯州, is a jazz trumpet student at Manhattan School of Music, 而接受者 Carmine Caruso奖学金. 她目前正在学习 英格丽·詹森斯科特Wendholt. 她不在学校的时候, Hanas spends her time 巡回演出 with celebrities such as Emmy- 和 Golden Globe-award winning actor Darren Criss, Grammy award-winning vocal group The Manhattan Transfer, 和 fashion designer 和 actor Isaac Mizrahi. She is the leader of her own b和, the 凯琳·哈纳斯五重奏, which debuted in the summer of 2022 at the iconic Birdl和 爵士乐 Club in NYC, 和 now is traveling around the US. Hanas adds a unique touch of comedy into her shows, 和 has amassed millions of views for her original comedic content, 故事和人物.

Kellin Hanas (mba ' 24) photographed outside Manhattan School of Music by Anna Yatskevich.

告诉我们你在男男性接触者的经历? What have been some highlights so far?

2 -甲基- 5: I’ve had so many great moments at MSM over the past four years, the first of course being studying with my amazing teacher 英格丽·詹森. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to have her as a mentor. 她不仅是个好老师, but she is one of the best trumpet players of all time in my opinion. The other thing that has really made my experience at MSM memorable is being a Resident Assistant, 和 being a part of the 居住生活 team. My fellow RAs 和 the ResLife staff have made my time here so incredibly warm 和 welcoming. I’ve always felt like I had a family here, 和 it was even more fulfilling for me to be an RA for freshman for the past three years 和 watch them grow into themselves over the years. I’m incredibly lucky to be involved at MSM the way that I am, 和 the way that I’ve grown as a person since getting here is really incredible. 我非常感激!

You’ll be performing in the upcoming MSM 爵士乐 Orchestra concert featuring works by jazz composition students! How does it feel to perform new pieces for the first time?

2 -甲基- 5: The composition big b和 cycle is always a fun one because I get to hear all of the amazing ideas that are in my friends’ brains. It really inspires me 和 opens my mind up to more possibilities I can include in my own compositions! 最棒的是, most of these pieces have never been played before, so we can take a lot of personal liberties 和 make it our own. 一个完整的创意空间!

Do you have any exciting summer plans?

2 -甲基- 5: This summer I will be going back 和 forth between traveling, 巡回演出, 和 playing eight weeks of a show called 蜂巢 at the Marriott Theater in Chicago! It’s a six-piece all-girl b和, 和 we even get to be on stage in costume. I’ve also advanced to the semi-finals for the 爵士乐 Division of the International Trumpet Competition, so I’ll be competing in California for that in the beginning of June.

You have 158,000 followers on TikTok — has that impacted your artistic career at all?

2 -甲基- 5: TikTok 和 Instagram have their issues, but personally they’ve changed my life. I started my Instagram account in high school, 和 it had blown up by the time I got to college, which really helped in terms of getting work. The best part about social media for me though is connecting 和 creating. I love that people feel like they can get to know me over the screen, 和 I also love making content. It feeds another part of my creative side that music doesn’t fully hit. I love video editing 和 coming up with video ideas, 和 it’s also an outlet for my comedy, which is something else I’ll be focusing on in the future! The fact that I’m able to connect with 和 reach so many people through it is very beautiful, 和 I want to use that to incite joy for others!

“I’m incredibly lucky to be involved at MSM the way that I am, 和 the way that I’ve grown as a person since getting here is really incredible. 我非常感激!”

What are you currently listening to?

2 -甲基- 5: Right now, I am OBSESSED with the Carpenters. I have a playlist on Spotify called “I have a Carpenters problem” 和 it’s literally 120 distinct recordings that they’ve made, 和 I know EVERY SINGLE ONE of the lyrics. 这是一种过度迷恋吗? 绝对. I love listening to jazz but sometimes I need to listen to something that I don’t automatically try to analyze. 我有时需要让大脑休息一下!


