
Summer Around the Globe: What MSM Students Are Doing This Summer!

Manhattan School of Music classes are out for the summer, 和 MSM students are busy doing exciting things! Many are participating in summer music festivals, 执行, or teaching in locations across the globe, as well as taking time to relax 和 be 与 family.

We reached out to nine students who tell us about their summer activities, 和 how they are spending their time.

Hannah Jeané Jones (MM ’24), Classical Voice

汉娜: “我会的。 执行 in The Metropolitan 歌剧’s 2024 Summer Recital Series, which features five free concerts throughout New York City. Here are the dates 和 locations where I will be 执行: June 24 at 7 PM — Jackie Robinson Park (Manhattan), June 26 at 7 PM — Williamsbridge Oval (Bronx), June 28 at 7 PM — Socrates Sculpture Park (Queens).”

Zaire Brown (BM ’27), 音乐剧


扎伊尔: “This summer I am staying in Andersen Hall working as a Summer RA (resident assistant). I will be taking some students to Coney Isl和, 在斯塔顿岛渡轮上, 和 sharing new experiences 与 them. This will be my first summer in NYC, so I’ll be exploring as much as I can 和 going to as many events as possible. While I plan on enjoying myself to the fullest, I am also using this time to watch Broadway shows 和 going to dance classes at 百老汇舞蹈中心 继续提高我的技能.”

Jacob Eddy (BM ’27), Classical 作文


雅各: “This summer I am interning at the Youth Orchestras of San Antonio! I’m helping them organize their upcoming season, Summer Symphony Camp, 和 community outreach. I am also returning to my job at Nordstrom as a sales associate. I’m starting to put together a small studio to give lessons on string instruments.

Other than working, I’m spending time 与 family 和 friends. Going on small trips to the beach 和 to other cities in Texas, going on hikes early in the morning, 和 spending relaxing days at home is what I’m looking forward to this summer.”

Peter Ecklund (PS ’24), 管弦乐 Bassoon

彼得: “我将成为一名研究员 坦格伍德音乐中心.”

Sarah Yang (BM ’27), Classical 钢琴

莎拉:I’m participating in two music festivals as a classical pianist this summer. First I’ll be going to the 丽贝卡·彭尼钢琴节 in Tampa, Florida. It runs from June 27 to July 17. I will also be participating in the 考夫曼SummerFest which runs from August 19 to 24. I’m spending the rest of the summer in my hometown of Vancouver, Canada, 与 my family 和 friends.”

Karen Tay (DMA ’24), Classical Harp

凯伦: “I am very excited for a summer of both rest 和 exciting opportunities. My biggest upcoming event would be my first debut recital in Singapore as the artist of Kris Foundation annual recital series, which will be held on August 23 at the Esplanade Recital Studio. I will also be giving the world premier of a solo harp work by a Singaporean composer who was commissioned to write a piece for the recital.”

Danny Navarrete-Estassi (MM ’24), Classical Voice

丹尼: “我要唱歌 费加罗 in 《newbb电子》 意大利的La Musica Lirica.”

Haerin Kim (MM ’18, DMA ’25), Classical 协作的钢琴

Haerin: “I am attending the 阿斯彭音乐节 和 School as an Instrumental 和 直言不讳的 协作的钢琴 Fellow this summer. This is my third time to participate in this festival, 和 I am looking forward to meeting new people 和 working 与 fabulous musicians.”

Malik Hamza (BM ’27), Classical Tenor Trombone

马利克: “最近我参加了 International Trombone Festival’s Gilberto Gagliardi 18 和 under Tenor Trombone Competition 并且进入了决赛. For the rest of the summer, I’ll be spending time 与 loved ones 和 family before going to Albuquerque to compete in the 西南长号会议 in August.”


